Thursday, August 27, 2009

Getting back to Buisness

Sorry Guys, Monday kicked off the start of college for me and its been alittle hay wire round here but Im back and we can start up some convos again!

ok For this week and and the next few to come im going to try somthing different. I have found a website that has thousands of debate topics, I am going to post the topic, with a Question to follow that then post the pros and cons list too, for those of you debateing, State what side your on yay or nay and tel me why. (also i will warn you i may not be back on the site for a bit if my hw keeps up the way it has already started so if you members of the team notcie that i havent posted anything up in weeks or so feel fre to put up a topic!) FYI also the pros and cons list i did not come up with they too were found on this website!

This weeks Topic: Creationism vs Evolution

Should schools be allowed to teach creationism alongside evolution as part of their science curriculum?

1)Evolution is an unproven theory about the origins of life. Both creationism and evolution are faith-positions, given that both are attempts to explain the past, which is in principle beyond direct scientific examination and verification. If we are allowed to teach one, we should be allowed to teach the other.
2)Creationism is science. It has discovered evidence for a young earth and for the biblical flood. It has pointed to the absence from the fossil record of intermediate forms between known species. It has argued that certain species could not have evolved gradually because of their particular chemical or physical make-up. All of these discoveries and observations confirm the truth of the Genesis account of creation.
3)Biology can be studied in a creationist context. Looking at the way in which different organisms work shows us the beauty and perfection of God’s design. Classification is still possible, along the lines of the ‘kinds’ described in the Bible - but cladistic classification based on hypothetical ‘lines of descent’ is deeply flawed and should be rejected. Creationism helps us to understand the power, goodness and majesty of God and to see how everything is under his authority.
4)Schoolchildren are vulnerable and impressionable: if you teach them that Genesis is wrong, they may well believe you. This has implications for the possibility of bringing them up as believing Christians, which is of course the point of having faith schools in the first place, and what their parents must be presumed to want if they choose to send their children to faith schools. If a majority of Americans are creationists then the school curriculum should reflect this.
5)If we are allowed to teach religious studies, we should be allowed to teach all of the implications of religious belief. The idea that God created the world is central to Christian, Muslim and Jewish belief. If we allow faith schools in which children are taught about their religion from an explicitly committed perspective, if we allow (indeed encourage) religious worship in schools, it is bizarre to allow this to be contradicted in science lessons.

1)Evolution is not a theory about the origins of life at all. It is a theory about the development of life. All scientific theories are necessarily unproven - that’s what ‘theory’ means. If we only taught those areas of science which were entirely ‘proved’ there would be little or no science teaching at all. The theory of evolution is, however, supported by overwhelming evidence, and is therefore not a ‘faith-position’ whereas the ‘evidence’ for creationism is discredited. The fact that much (not all - evolution is a continuing process) of the evidence relates to the past is not a problem: all sciences (and indeed history as an academic discipline) make what are, in effect, predictions about the past which are then confirmed or disconfirmed by evidence such as, in this case, the fossil record.
2)Creationism is not science. It takes the Genesis account (actually there are two Genesis accounts, in Gen 1.1-2.3 and Gen 2.4-3.24, but let’s not get into that) as true in every particular, and bends the evidence to fit that so-called ‘hypothesis’ - in fact it is not a hypothesis at all, since it is in principle unalterable for the creationists. Meanwhile, evolutionists come up with hypotheses which they test, modify and, where necessary, abandon as appropriate.
3)Evolution should be a central part of the science curriculum, because the rest of biology is dependent on it. Understanding how and why different organisms work as they do requires a knowledge of mutation, natural selection and adaptation, which are rejected by creationism. For creationism, the classification of living things based on lines of descent and chronological speciation makes no sense. Furthermore, understanding how evolution works as a theory helps teach students about the nature of scientific method - a matter on which creationists are notoriously shaky.
4)Schoolchildren are vulnerable and impressionable: if you teach them the literal truth of Genesis as science, they may well believe you. Since you are wrong, this is not to be welcomed, particularly since what your teaching involves is a wilful misunderstanding of the nature of scientific method, with implications for their understanding of science in general for the rest of their lives. The fact that more than half of all Americans believe that the world was created by God in seven days is a testament to political pressure from Christians to water down the science curriculum, and it is harmful - because it is wrong. We may allow children to be sent to faith schools, but we do not allow those schools to teach them whatever they like.
5)The belief that God creates and sustains the world is not the same as the belief that God created the world in seven days a few thousand years ago. The former is a theological position which implies the goodness and sovereignty of God, and his continuing involvement with his creation, not a scientific claim. The latter is an empirically testable claim which has been empirically tested and found to be false. We should not allow schools to teach our children things that are just plain wrong, and known to be wrong. This is distinct from allowing the teaching of religion, which is culturally and historically significant and which involves beliefs which are in principle distinct from science.

Thease are only some of the pros and cons of that list, if you want i will post up the rest but for now that will do, I havent gotten to read through them yet but let me know what you think!


  1. I thought this article was informative. One thing I disagree with is that a "theory" is something frivolous. A theory is something that is true, but is still a "work in progress". Things are added to it, and if it doesn't change for a hundred years or so, then it becomes a law if nothing is added to the theory. Such as with what happened to gravity, it used to be "just a theory", and germs are still "just a theory". So little Christians... the moral of the story is, don't discount something just because it's a theory, because you are wrong.

    1. no a theory is above a law evolution does have some things in the works but it is a fact it has yet to be disproven and all evidence points to evolution is fact why do think gravity and germs are still theories its we know what they do we know they cause these things we know this for a fact theories is as high as you can go theories are well observed and well documented facts about reality evolution is a fact its true that over time random genetic mutations occur which cause species to adapt to their enviroment

  2. do you realize your calling me little when im a legal adult... just like you? Charismatic why do you look down apon us?

  3. Because you are morally inferior vermin. And I can prove it.

  4. Hello everyone.
    I had more to say about the last blog post thing on here, but since Charlie said it was closed, and im new on the site, i wanted to be respectful and refrain from writing anymore.

    to CR: why do you automatically assume that i am a Christian? from what i hear, Sam is apparently looking for more atheists to bring to the site, so why cant i be that, or an agnostic, or someone from another faith?
    Im not sure that i want to be a part of this site anymore if im just going to be stereotyped based upon a few comments, which as i recall, did not directly express any of my personal views, and thrown into the "hate" bin. I want to at least be given a chance to speak and question and whatever else before i am labeled as unworthy of any considering. Regardless of my beliefs, or lack thereof, what is the point of you, CharismaticRecluse, to waste your time on this site if you think Christians are "morally inferior vermin"? I can see that you think you can prove it, and if you can, then all power to you, but if they are not going to budge and neither are you, wont this all just result in a boring stalemate?
    to 1 Timothy and anyone on this site: Isnt the point of debate to be open minded, and willing to hear the other side, while also defending your own standpoint? If this whole site is just going to be ugly fighting with no open minds, on both the atheist side and the Christian side and any other future sides, then i dont really feel welcome.

  5. Hey, amishpk... if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

    LEAVE then, you little crybaby.

  6. I thought you wanted new members CR? You're not very inviting. I doubt anyone new of any viewpoint is goning to join so long as you keep acting like this.

    Don't listen to CR amishpk, he doesn't speak for anyone but himself, and this is not his website anyway. Though others might not agree with you, we are all willing to hear your point of view without dismissing you as a fool.

  7. This little wimp wants to whine and cry and beg us to have him back... and you fell right into it. Get a legit atheist on here and we can talk, you keep bringing in these religious nuts with the same circular reasoning and irrational arguments. This crayon christianity isn't impressing me.

  8. CR the point is no atheist is even going to come with you acting like this, if you want people of any viewpoint to join then start using a little tact. You can still be forceful in your arguments without being crass. No matter how right you are, no one will listen to you if you act like a jerk to them.

  9. How about we get an atheist in here and see...

    Because I doubt one would be scared off by what i've said.

  10. Not by your viewpoints obviously, but I don't like to be around rude people even if they believe the same thing as me, and I imagine that goes for most people. I'm sure some people would still join (you haven't scared us off after all) but you're not helping our chances.

  11. You don't help our chances by being rude that is, you are helping by contributing to the site when you actually do discuss, like we when first started. Like I said, advertize it to your atheist friends if you want more atheists.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. CR posts of that nature will absolutely not be tolerated by this website. Thank goodness I got here first so that none of the girls had to read that post! Even if that story was true (which I highly doubt), why in the world would you tell us? Well, I know why actually, but I can't understand why you would. It's all for shock value. If saying things like that to several young women and myself makes you feel like a big tough guy or something then you have issues. Really, think about who you're talking to and what you're saying next time. Banning you from the site will become a reality if this continues. Oh, and any posts containing any swearing or crass language will be removed from now on. This broke the camel's back CR, censorship is now a reality. It's ugly, it's a pain for you and us, but this kind of thing will not be tolerated.


  14. The story was completely made up, it was meant to be sarcastic. Oh well.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. "Even if that story was true (which I highly doubt)"

    You must've missed that in my post. It was not an appropriate topic of conversation by any means, totally uncalled for. There's gotta be a better way to get a point across.

  17. "Charlee get over yourself. You're on a power trip kid, you haven't had authority in your entire life (and still don't, because you believe in God)--so now you're trying to exercise it over me. **** that."

    There I'll be nice and just censor the words out through copy and paste, but if I have to do this again in the next few posts I'm just deleting it without copying and pasting for you.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I think you should go read a book or somethign, because you have misunderstood something. First off "All scientific theories are necessarily unproven", no its dosnt mean that they are unproven, but that it isnt something you can physically work with and show. Which also brings me to the next subject: Evolution. Yes it is a theory, but it has also been proven. The reason it is still called a theory is because we can't watch it ourselves(well we can.... but whos gonna watch flies for 5 years xD).

    I dont wanna explain how it is proven again(did in another thread), but to make it short, the possibility of it being a conincidence is so low that it is simply impossible. And the same thing proves evolution. Short: All living creatures dna-structure(chemical compound) is identical, if thats not evolution it is a huge coincidence....

    Please put your head out of your ass, and start studying.

  20. Micro evolution, changes within kinds, is proven and Biblical as found in the book of Genesis. Macroevolution, change from one species to another poses some huge problems as demonstrated by science. For one, you can't even get off the ground because evolution doesn't explain the origin of life. Second, the lack of transitional fossils showing the changes that would, for example, a bat to a whale are just not there. There should be millions of fossils, and should have been found by now.

    Finally,concerning biological evolution. And I'm going to suggest that the idea that evolution could have occurred without an intelligent Designer is so improbable as to be fantastic. This has been demonstrated by Barrowand Tipler in their book The Anthropic Cosmological Principle. In this book, they list ten steps in the course of human evolution, each of which is so improbable that before it would have occurred the sun would have ceased to be a main sequence star and would have burned up the earth.{1} They estimate the odds of the evolution of the human genome by chance to be on the order of 4-360 (110,000), a number which is so huge that to call it astronomical would be a wild understatement.

  21. Alright. For one thing, look around, look at the abundant nature, look at vast space, look at our bodies for pete sake. We, and everything arfe so intricate and detailed, we had to be created by intelegnce. If the sun was one inch closer to earth we would all die of heat, but if it was one inch further away, we would freeze to death. It's perfect. Not to be weird but look @ sex, I mean we are puzzle pieces that were made to fit together perfectly to make a whole new human being. Don't tell me that came from one cell. And if we evolved, why are we/animals not still evolving? Why don't some people look like monkeys? If anything we are de-volving. Its just rediculous to suppose we came some some cellular soup. And if we did, why can't scientists re-create that? SO, Charles Darwin invented the idea of evolution in a book he wrote. It was inspired by birds. -.- And later he wrote another book taking back and renounceing everything in the first book. So even the guy who invented this soon realized it was a ridiculous and stupid notion.

    1. ummm making all that you just listed is beyond the power of our universe look around you black holes sucking ever thing in so much gravity not even light can escape or quasars just shooting out light and sex not every animal has sex like bacteria and we are far beyond made perfect each times one of your cells copy DNA 120,000 errors occur our emzymes correct 99% of those errors and btw evolution is different then bio genesis (which is the beginning of life) and a cell evolving to make a human or any life from would take maybe even billions of years so recreating that is not a opinion but have seen evolution in fruit flys who life cycles are short enough for us to observe evolution and we have genetic evidence of evolution that every animal we have discovered has at least 0.1 percent of the same DNA which can only mean they are all related and so what if Darwin renounced everthing he said (btw he said it on his death bed i dont think he wrote a book but he said it on his death bed if you were about to die i bet you would scared and irrationally) it doesn't change the fact that he was right. P.S really a stupid notion but the fact a old magical wizard in the sky who is all knowing and powerful created the universe then created inprefect children then sends some to hell for being inprefect then sacrifices himself to himself to create a loop hole to rules he created in the first place sounds prefect ok.

  22. Pros:
    "Evolution is an unproven theory about the origins of life. Both creationism and evolution are faith-positions, given that both are attempts to explain the past, which is in principle beyond direct scientific examination and verification."

    Faith is believing in something in the absence of evidence. Evolution has MOUNTAINS of evidence to support it. Therefore, it is NOT a faith-based position. It is certainly NOT "beyond direct scientific examination and verification".
