Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Bible

Welcome back ladys and gents,
since the school year has kicked off i decided to stick to a topic that caught my attention in my Western civ. class. (for those of you who dont know my professer is an athiest as well)One thing he often does is bing his religous views into his lectures.Some times everyone can tell that what he's saying is complete crap, other times though he makes everyone question things. One thing he asked us the other day was this:

The bible has been rewritten into many different languages, copied, rewritten into different versions and passed down through so many generations, how do you prove that no one has tampered with it, which would make ur bible faulse even if its origanal message was true?

any thoughts?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Alright, due to recent circumstances, namely one person who could not control their words for many weeks, our patience has run out and only people who are actual members of the blog may post anymore. Feel free to join the site if you're out there and have anything to say though! This is basically an unfortunately necessary measure against one specific person.

Friday, September 11, 2009

New Topic

Hey everybody,

Our new topic is going to be Animal Rights, specifically animal experimentation. How much liberty do you think should be given to experiment on animals? Any other thoughts relating to this topic would be awesome.

Monday, September 7, 2009

This Week's Discusssion

This week we're gonna talk about any kind of addictive and harmful sustance, as in drugs, smoking, etc. What are your views on these kind of substances and the abuse people do to their body with them ?