Ok todays Topic is abortion. I wanna hear your thoughts. I personaly Think its wrong and not just cuz the bible says so, but tell me what your guys think.
No. Abortion is not wrong. You ignore most of what the "bible says", or else you'd be in jail, why do you want to listen to the bible when it comes to this then?
I think abortion is wrong because it's murder, plain and simple. Although it's not that simple. I honestly don't think the mother should be allowed to choose whether or not she wants an abortion -- I think it should just be outlawed in general. The mother could not be thinking rationally at the time she makes her decision to have the abortion, and so that affects it. Like I said, it's murder. Killing a baby who may not look like a person yet but who is and developing into "more" of one, is like killing anybody. A baby is as much of a person as an adult. What happened to equality rights that our country was founded on? Nobody thinks about those. Also, abortions have horrible results on womens' bodies. They have died from abortions. Okay, I'm done ranting. For now. :)
Even though we don't do a lot of what the Bible says doesn't mean we're not trying. We all live in sin and it's impossible to be perfect. But my goal in life is to be as close to perfect as I can possibly get (which isn't really that close in the scheme of things). And I know what the Bible says is right and true, so that's why I listen to it on this issue and every other issue.
First things first... Sin: Laura, maybe YOU live in this so-called sin, but I don't think it's necessary to believe that my own humanity is a crime, or filthy or "sinful". I was born, and this is what I am, if the followers of Christ don't like it they can pick a number, get in line and kiss my ass.
The government should be able to tell a woman what she wants to do with her body? You want the government regulating a woman's uterus because some old book says so? Our constitution states that this is a SECULAR country, NO RELIGION involved in Government.
It depends where you think life begins, if you think that life begins at conception... then you also must think that any other cell with the potential for life being destroyed is murder too?
You should get your definitions straight, I hear a lot of the religious kooks say that abortion is "murder". No, it's not. Murder is the UNLAWFUL killing of a human being. The last time I checked, abortion was legal, and it's a good thing. Does a four celled zygote inside of a mother a human being? Is it alive?
So you are saying you wish my death, because I'm a non-believer (as warranted in the bible) and the death of gays, unruly children (which would be all of them), and jews? Why haven't you picked up a gun and shot us yet? The bible says to put us to death... you don't seem to believe in the bible when it comes to things that will land you in jail... so how strongly can you believe? The answer: You don't. You cherry pick things like abortion, and ignore what else the bible says. Abortion is necessary for women who have unwanted pregnancies... should they abort a baby at 8-9 months? No... the only time they should do that is if it affects the mother's health. What about rape and incest? Is abortion okay then? Think about those things.
ok let me put in my pov. *Sammy Jayne speaking* I think its selfish. even if you get raped. there is nothing that says you cant have the baby then give it up for adoption. theire are always other ways around it.
some people use to tell me "well ok its selfish fine but what if the baby being born means the mother could die what then?" i still think its selfish by then the mother atleast got to live part of her life. I dont know any mother who wouldnt give up there own life for there child.
besides there it is never set in stone that it could kill the mother. you never know and thinking that way thats like me saying ya know four yrs down the rd you could get drunk go driving and kill sombody. since you may kill another person were just going to kill you now for saftey reasons. we dont know that thats going to happen but were gunna do it any ways now does that seem fair? no..
*Laura speaking* I agree with you, Sam. I don't understand why people would rather kill their babies than give them up for adoption where they'll be safe.
Wow, that's pretty disgusting to force a woman to carry a baby to term when she was raped. Do you somehow think that this was "God's will" that the woman be raped?
You definitely wouldn't pass up an abortion if your own life was in jeopardy Sammy... your family and doctor wouldn't allow it.
It's a basic fundamental human right to be able to choose. Are you against contraception then? Are you against condoms and birth control pills? Why should you have any say in what another woman does with her body, just because your bible says so? Not everyone is a christian, not everyone believes in that nonsense. Some people believe in DIFFERENT religions, and some people reject it all. Why should your religion dominate just because YOU happen to follow it?
By the way... your God (which doesn't really exist) would be the biggest "baby killer" of them all! Babies that die in the womb with couples who WANT to have babies... babies who die shortly after birth... babies that die PERIOD are all God's fault because HE KNEW IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN, he could have prevented it, and he didn't ... God is the one you should be mad at.
Yes, it was God's will that the woman be raped. Just like it was God's will that Adam and Eve sin in the Garden of Eden.
Life beings at conception.
Some things we just aren't meant to understand (I should have said this up by the Adam and Eve statement as well). Our brains are just too small to comprehened EVERY one of life's mysteries. It's not God's fault because He seemingly "let" it happen. Just like it's not a mother's fault that her child would get hit by a car. There's no use staying mad at God -- it won't do any good. Really, what good could come from holding a grudge against God? I mean, He holds so much power over us.
I would DEFINITELY pass up an abortion if I knew I would die. I would rather die to save my baby's life because 1)It's just that motherly instict you have to protect your child, and 2) I've lived long enough and I'd rather be up in heaven partying with Jesus.
ok i never mentioned the bible when i spoke. just fyi and yes your right i would rather die then my baby die. and im not forcing people to follow my religion CharismaticRecluse. thats why i started this site thats what i want you to see! not all christians are bad but everyone marks us as bad because some of us dont follow the ways! they distroy us. their hipocrits! but not all of us are like that! you once told me that me and charlie were good people (this was b4 Laura came onto the site) but you thought we were poisend by our faith. so my Q to you is would it help you if you just looked at us as normal people? would you be more willing to listen to us if you didnt mark us as christians? i understand that that is what we want for people to know we are christians but if you are more willing to listen to us by not thinking of us as christians then try it! I respect your opion deeply. we are not here to pound you or bash your beleifs. I just want to talk to you, Like any other human being.
Well then, let's just argue the merits of abortion then. Because we can't have this argument if your only reason for believing is due to some God that there is no evidence for it's existence. You have to prove God exists before you can use the bible to say that is why abortion is wrong. Let's argue the merits of abortion, based on something besides the bible.
I have a question for you though, and I'm only curious I don't want to argue about it.. I just want you to explain to me WHY you believe what you believe... why you think there is a God, independent of what anyone else thinks. So... why do you believe in God and the bible Sammy?
Then were Getting some where but no more of that talk ok?i dont want any arguments.
any ways I beleave what I beleave because about a yr ago i started to loose track of god not purposfuly i just dirfted. i found myself more interested in other things...things that eventualy gave me big problems(not like drinking or drugs or anything) but when my friends noticed they said somthing to me braught me back. im still working on my faith but i found that when i was putting my full faith in him in God that i was much more happy. like all the wieght and stress i carried was gone. i could forgive myself and others who had screwed me over in the past. like i said im still struggleing but im sure you would agree we all have our problems.
I said I wouldn't respond, but I need to because you didn't answer the question. I asked why you believe in God. You've always believed in God your whole life... you were never an Atheist. You explained to me why you think this God may have helped you and made you happier... but that doesn't explain why you believe in the CHRISTIAN God in the first place... so that was my question. What made you believe at the beginning, and how has that belief manifested itself?
Well i guess thats actualy a simple answer. i grew up in the church my parents are both christians. strong loveing beleivers like me and charlie are. i grew up kinda as the bible know it all. i have really great insight. not just in that mostly in people too..(im a people person!=) but as much as i knew thease things all thease bible storys the 10 comandments and al i can honnestly say i was never a firm beleiver until quite recent when my friend evie and chralies Gf sarrah gave me a big spritiaul whopping. they were the ones who helped me. i hadnent relized how far id slipped away from everything and i never really understood what it ment b4 to have faith kn christ. is that any help? do you understand?
Another question: Since you think there is a loving God, how do you explain bad things happening to good people for no reason? Or babies dying before they are even born a lot of times (mis-carriages, stillborns) ?
Everything happens for a reason. alot of people that have bad things happen end up comming to christof course there are also a ton of other people who turn from him but agian that gets back on the topic of freedom of will but i always use 9/11 as an example. after 9/11 we saw the country grwo together as one all the sudden christians started popping out every where! when god lets bad things happen he does it in hopes that they turn to him for help(now again that doesnt always happen but im pretty sure that is his plan) another thing i personaly beleive is that God would do things to people who he thinks couldnt handle it, for instance i have a friend who gets beaten by his parents. hes very yound but hes got a spirit so strong! and a heart so big! he is so young and actualy a huge inspiration to me! because even though he goes through alot of hell he still has faith and hope love and Joy!
So God killed thousands of innocent people for no reason other than to make more people believe in jesus christ as their personal savior?
Do you really think that is moral? Or a good excuse? God sent 19 muslim hijackers to blow up the world trade centers to make you believe MORE STRONGLY in him?
The people who did it said they were on a mission from their God to kill non-muslims (that includes christians, jews, hindu, atheists, agnostics... everyone else). Who is to say they weren't right? That THEIR God isn't the real one who wants more people to be muslims and kill Christians?
to make you believe MORE STRONGLY in him? or to get more beleavers? both i think and yes i do! maybe he needed them in heaven?! i dont know.
well here one thing. would you really want to follow a God who TOLd you to kill people for no reason? My god does have a plan. no matter what he does. it may not always be visable but its there.
The thing is, you have your God and they have theirs.
You think it's okay that 9/11 happened because it was your God's plan, and it brought more believers or put more people in heaven...
They think 9/11 was okay because their God wants them to fight a war against the enemies of their God (the Christians)... you are the enemy of God to them, they want you dead. Who is to say that your God is the real one and theirs isn't? They believe strongly enough in their God to kill themselves... do you?
i have often thought about this if i would be a strong enough person to die for my beleifs. *sigh* I am a strong beleiver. i have always defended my faith even before i knew what it really ment to be a christian. but i am weak it would be stupid of me to say that i could get through somthing like that on my own. the only way i think that i would be able to get through somthing like that is with Gods help. hoping he could give me the strength to do so..
one of my biggest fears involving my religion is that one of thease days we are going to see a repeat of the hollocost except it will be christians in the concitration camps instead of jews. i dont understand why the media says "all religions are =" then tears us christians down making us look like bad guys when we are not...i dont get it...thinking out loud here..
Many Atheists have gotten through tough times without God...
What about a Hindu woman who gets through a lot but believes a DIFFERENT God was helping her? How can you claim that is false, yet your God is right?
Religions are almost all equal because they are dangerous, and perpetuate lies about the universe and it's origins, impede on other people's freedoms, are used to justify the most horrific acts of murder and violence, and they promote bigotry and the belief that all others but them are going to hell. Sammy my dear, why do you think yours is so much different?
The bible is proven wrong by simply using common sense.
Additionally, science, reason, and logic all disprove pretty much ALL of the claims of the bible. If there was proof that the bible was real, then everyone would believe in it, you wouldn't need FAITH for it. We don't have FAITH that gravity exists, or that trees exist, because they are REAL and we can PROVE it. You have to prove to us that God exists or that jesus was his son or any of the other claims in the bible are true... I haven't heard any evidence or proof. I've disproven God many times... there's NO EVIDENCE.
Your religion is the same, you only think it's different because YOU believe in it. They all think that yours is disproven and theirs isn't. Don't you see?
2)comminsence isnt a big deal to me. and i have commin sence and i cant prove the bible wrong...and i have tried!
and 3)it may be that they all beleave that it is there God who makes all this happen but if you are willing to say it may be there God why cant you say it may be MY God?
Science flies you to the moon, religion flies you into buildings.
Without science you wouldn't have medicine or technology or so many of the other things, if you hate science so much, why don't you go live in a cave and worship God? You only dislike them because they disprove your God. If they proved your God, you'd LOVE them.
I'm saying that your beliefs are no different than theirs. Both are false...
I'll be honest with you, Sammy. I don't know how much longer I can really debate you guys if you're not going to use any rationality. If you want to deny science and the laws of physics then we can make ANY claim and say that it's true. Like the flying spaghetti monster. So I don't know how I can argue with people who make absurd claims, based on no evidence and want to argue that it's true. We have no parameters to argue from... if we don't use common sense, logic, science and reason, then we can really are just believing something because it "feels good" to believe it, it's just wish-thinking that isn't true. You said you don't like science or scientists, this is ONLY because they prove your God is a myth and not real. So how can we debate or talk about anything such as the existence of God, the claims of the bible, a woman's right to choose, gay marriage... if you get all of your rules from a book that you can't even defend logically. You quote me bible verses as if they are true, you believe in crazy ridiculous fantasies from the bible. It makes you a very disturbed and slavish person. So unless we can argue using some logic and science and reason, and you, charlie, and whoever else talks on here will stop denying things that are FACTS just because they are inconvenient to your God argument... then I don't see how we can continue to have conversations about religion, or issues related to it.
Im sorry chrismatic, but they dont prove anything to me. but you bring up a good point. you put up with us and listen to what we have to say when you are strongly ageinst it so therfor we should listento you when you want to add science into the mix. its fair. i apoligize.
If they don't prove anything to you than you are willfully ignorant of the facts then.
You are trying to pretend that I'm the one who WANTS the things I say to be true, that i'm somehow afraid. I'm not the one who thinks he will go to hell if the facts that I accept are wrong. If you stop believing in God you think that you will go to hell, thats the only reason why you wont accept the facts. You keep denying it... but it's the truth. You know it deep down.
I guess you don't mind those parts in the bible where god orders his minions to kill off their enemies? Tell a rape victim they shouldn't get an abortion. Or was that part of god plan?
No. Abortion is not wrong. You ignore most of what the "bible says", or else you'd be in jail, why do you want to listen to the bible when it comes to this then?
ReplyDeleteThis is Laura speaking.
ReplyDeleteI think abortion is wrong because it's murder, plain and simple. Although it's not that simple. I honestly don't think the mother should be allowed to choose whether or not she wants an abortion -- I think it should just be outlawed in general. The mother could not be thinking rationally at the time she makes her decision to have the abortion, and so that affects it. Like I said, it's murder. Killing a baby who may not look like a person yet but who is and developing into "more" of one, is like killing anybody. A baby is as much of a person as an adult. What happened to equality rights that our country was founded on? Nobody thinks about those. Also, abortions have horrible results on womens' bodies. They have died from abortions. Okay, I'm done ranting. For now. :)
This is Laura again.
ReplyDeleteEven though we don't do a lot of what the Bible says doesn't mean we're not trying. We all live in sin and it's impossible to be perfect. But my goal in life is to be as close to perfect as I can possibly get (which isn't really that close in the scheme of things). And I know what the Bible says is right and true, so that's why I listen to it on this issue and every other issue.
First things first... Sin:
ReplyDeleteLaura, maybe YOU live in this so-called sin, but I don't think it's necessary to believe that my own humanity is a crime, or filthy or "sinful". I was born, and this is what I am, if the followers of Christ don't like it they can pick a number, get in line and kiss my ass.
The government should be able to tell a woman what she wants to do with her body? You want the government regulating a woman's uterus because some old book says so? Our constitution states that this is a SECULAR country, NO RELIGION involved in Government.
It depends where you think life begins, if you think that life begins at conception... then you also must think that any other cell with the potential for life being destroyed is murder too?
You should get your definitions straight, I hear a lot of the religious kooks say that abortion is "murder". No, it's not. Murder is the UNLAWFUL killing of a human being. The last time I checked, abortion was legal, and it's a good thing. Does a four celled zygote inside of a mother a human being? Is it alive?
So you are saying you wish my death, because I'm a non-believer (as warranted in the bible) and the death of gays, unruly children (which would be all of them), and jews? Why haven't you picked up a gun and shot us yet? The bible says to put us to death... you don't seem to believe in the bible when it comes to things that will land you in jail... so how strongly can you believe? The answer: You don't. You cherry pick things like abortion, and ignore what else the bible says. Abortion is necessary for women who have unwanted pregnancies... should they abort a baby at 8-9 months? No... the only time they should do that is if it affects the mother's health. What about rape and incest? Is abortion okay then? Think about those things.
Since you think abortion is killing... do you think that mothers who abort children should get the death penalty/spend their lives in jail?
ReplyDeleteDo you REALLY care about these babies? Or are you only doing this because "the silly book" tells you so?
*I told Sammy it wasn't you who deleted the comments, it was me.
(I'm neither gay, jewish, or an unruly child... so I ask without any bias)
ReplyDeleteok let me put in my pov.
ReplyDelete*Sammy Jayne speaking*
I think its selfish. even if you get raped. there is nothing that says you cant have the baby then give it up for adoption. theire are always other ways around it.
some people use to tell me "well ok its selfish fine but what if the baby being born means the mother could die what then?"
i still think its selfish by then the mother atleast got to live part of her life. I dont know any mother who wouldnt give up there own life for there child.
besides there it is never set in stone that it could kill the mother. you never know and thinking that way thats like me saying ya know four yrs down the rd you could get drunk go driving and kill sombody. since you may kill another person were just going to kill you now for saftey reasons. we dont know that thats going to happen but were gunna do it any ways now does that seem fair? no..
*Laura speaking*
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, Sam. I don't understand why people would rather kill their babies than give them up for adoption where they'll be safe.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWow, that's pretty disgusting to force a woman to carry a baby to term when she was raped. Do you somehow think that this was "God's will" that the woman be raped?
ReplyDeleteYou definitely wouldn't pass up an abortion if your own life was in jeopardy Sammy... your family and doctor wouldn't allow it.
It's a basic fundamental human right to be able to choose. Are you against contraception then? Are you against condoms and birth control pills? Why should you have any say in what another woman does with her body, just because your bible says so? Not everyone is a christian, not everyone believes in that nonsense. Some people believe in DIFFERENT religions, and some people reject it all. Why should your religion dominate just because YOU happen to follow it?
By the way... your God (which doesn't really exist) would be the biggest "baby killer" of them all! Babies that die in the womb with couples who WANT to have babies... babies who die shortly after birth... babies that die PERIOD are all God's fault because HE KNEW IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN, he could have prevented it, and he didn't ... God is the one you should be mad at.
When does life begin in your opinion?
ReplyDeleteYes, it was God's will that the woman be raped. Just like it was God's will that Adam and Eve sin in the Garden of Eden.
Life beings at conception.
Some things we just aren't meant to understand (I should have said this up by the Adam and Eve statement as well). Our brains are just too small to comprehened EVERY one of life's mysteries. It's not God's fault because He seemingly "let" it happen. Just like it's not a mother's fault that her child would get hit by a car. There's no use staying mad at God -- it won't do any good. Really, what good could come from holding a grudge against God? I mean, He holds so much power over us.
I would DEFINITELY pass up an abortion if I knew I would die. I would rather die to save my baby's life because 1)It's just that motherly instict you have to protect your child, and 2) I've lived long enough and I'd rather be up in heaven partying with Jesus.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteok, Sammmy J here!
ReplyDeleteok i never mentioned the bible when i spoke. just fyi and yes your right i would rather die then my baby die. and im not forcing people to follow my religion CharismaticRecluse. thats why i started this site thats what i want you to see! not all christians are bad but everyone marks us as bad because some of us dont follow the ways! they distroy us. their hipocrits! but not all of us are like that! you once told me that me and charlie were good people (this was b4 Laura came onto the site) but you thought we were poisend by our faith. so my Q to you is would it help you if you just looked at us as normal people? would you be more willing to listen to us if you didnt mark us as christians? i understand that that is what we want for people to know we are christians but if you are more willing to listen to us by not thinking of us as christians then try it! I respect your opion deeply. we are not here to pound you or bash your beleifs. I just want to talk to you, Like any other human being.
Well then, let's just argue the merits of abortion then. Because we can't have this argument if your only reason for believing is due to some God that there is no evidence for it's existence. You have to prove God exists before you can use the bible to say that is why abortion is wrong. Let's argue the merits of abortion, based on something besides the bible.
ReplyDeleteI have a question for you though, and I'm only curious I don't want to argue about it.. I just want you to explain to me WHY you believe what you believe... why you think there is a God, independent of what anyone else thinks. So... why do you believe in God and the bible Sammy?
you wont bash me?
ReplyDelete-----> Sammy J
I won't even respond to it.
ReplyDeleteyou can respond to it. just dont judge me. please try to look past your hatred for my religion when you talk to me =)
ReplyDeleteOh well, I have many reasons to hate religion. I don't hate all religious PEOPLE though, just Laura. lol
ReplyDeletebe nice.. so before i answer your Q then answer one last one for me. Do you hate me?
ReplyDeleteI said only Laura!!!! lol
ReplyDeleteThen were Getting some where but no more of that talk ok?i dont want any arguments.
ReplyDeleteany ways I beleave what I beleave because about a yr ago i started to loose track of god not purposfuly i just dirfted. i found myself more interested in other things...things that eventualy gave me big problems(not like drinking or drugs or anything) but when my friends noticed they said somthing to me braught me back. im still working on my faith but i found that when i was putting my full faith in him in God that i was much more happy. like all the wieght and stress i carried was gone. i could forgive myself and others who had screwed me over in the past. like i said im still struggleing but im sure you would agree we all have our problems.
Okay, no more of that. Deleted and all.
ReplyDeleteI said I wouldn't respond, but I need to because you didn't answer the question. I asked why you believe in God. You've always believed in God your whole life... you were never an Atheist. You explained to me why you think this God may have helped you and made you happier... but that doesn't explain why you believe in the CHRISTIAN God in the first place... so that was my question. What made you believe at the beginning, and how has that belief manifested itself?
Well i guess thats actualy a simple answer. i grew up in the church my parents are both christians. strong loveing beleivers like me and charlie are. i grew up kinda as the bible know it all. i have really great insight. not just in that mostly in people too..(im a people person!=) but as much as i knew thease things all thease bible storys the 10 comandments and al i can honnestly say i was never a firm beleiver until quite recent when my friend evie and chralies Gf sarrah gave me a big spritiaul whopping. they were the ones who helped me. i hadnent relized how far id slipped away from everything and i never really understood what it ment b4 to have faith kn christ. is that any help? do you understand?
ReplyDeleteYes, that explains it.
ReplyDeleteAnother question: Since you think there is a loving God, how do you explain bad things happening to good people for no reason? Or babies dying before they are even born a lot of times (mis-carriages, stillborns) ?
Everything happens for a reason. alot of people that have bad things happen end up comming to christof course there are also a ton of other people who turn from him but agian that gets back on the topic of freedom of will but i always use 9/11 as an example. after 9/11 we saw the country grwo together as one all the sudden christians started popping out every where! when god lets bad things happen he does it in hopes that they turn to him for help(now again that doesnt always happen but im pretty sure that is his plan) another thing i personaly beleive is that God would do things to people who he thinks couldnt handle it, for instance i have a friend who gets beaten by his parents. hes very yound but hes got a spirit so strong! and a heart so big! he is so young and actualy a huge inspiration to me! because even though he goes through alot of hell he still has faith and hope love and Joy!
ReplyDeletewow ...lot of mis spelled words that time...=(
ReplyDeleteSo God killed thousands of innocent people for no reason other than to make more people believe in jesus christ as their personal savior?
ReplyDeleteDo you really think that is moral? Or a good excuse? God sent 19 muslim hijackers to blow up the world trade centers to make you believe MORE STRONGLY in him?
The people who did it said they were on a mission from their God to kill non-muslims (that includes christians, jews, hindu, atheists, agnostics... everyone else). Who is to say they weren't right? That THEIR God isn't the real one who wants more people to be muslims and kill Christians?
to make you believe MORE STRONGLY in him? or to get more beleavers? both i think and yes i do! maybe he needed them in heaven?! i dont know.
ReplyDeletewell here one thing. would you really want to follow a God who TOLd you to kill people for no reason? My god does have a plan. no matter what he does. it may not always be visable but its there.
The thing is, you have your God and they have theirs.
ReplyDeleteYou think it's okay that 9/11 happened because it was your God's plan, and it brought more believers or put more people in heaven...
They think 9/11 was okay because their God wants them to fight a war against the enemies of their God (the Christians)... you are the enemy of God to them, they want you dead. Who is to say that your God is the real one and theirs isn't? They believe strongly enough in their God to kill themselves... do you?
i have often thought about this if i would be a strong enough person to die for my beleifs.
ReplyDelete*sigh* I am a strong beleiver. i have always defended my faith even before i knew what it really ment to be a christian. but i am weak it would be stupid of me to say that i could get through somthing like that on my own. the only way i think that i would be able to get through somthing like that is with Gods help. hoping he could give me the strength to do so..
one of my biggest fears involving my religion is that one of thease days we are going to see a repeat of the hollocost except it will be christians in the concitration camps instead of jews. i dont understand why the media says "all religions are =" then tears us christians down making us look like bad guys when we are not...i dont get it...thinking out loud here..
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMany Atheists have gotten through tough times without God...
ReplyDeleteWhat about a Hindu woman who gets through a lot but believes a DIFFERENT God was helping her? How can you claim that is false, yet your God is right?
Religions are almost all equal because they are dangerous, and perpetuate lies about the universe and it's origins, impede on other people's freedoms, are used to justify the most horrific acts of murder and violence, and they promote bigotry and the belief that all others but them are going to hell. Sammy my dear, why do you think yours is so much different?
let me ask you a question. how come the bible has never been proven wrong? while all the other religiouse books have?
ReplyDeletethat is why my religion is different from others.
The bible is proven wrong by simply using common sense.
ReplyDeleteAdditionally, science, reason, and logic all disprove pretty much ALL of the claims of the bible. If there was proof that the bible was real, then everyone would believe in it, you wouldn't need FAITH for it. We don't have FAITH that gravity exists, or that trees exist, because they are REAL and we can PROVE it. You have to prove to us that God exists or that jesus was his son or any of the other claims in the bible are true... I haven't heard any evidence or proof. I've disproven God many times... there's NO EVIDENCE.
Your religion is the same, you only think it's different because YOU believe in it. They all think that yours is disproven and theirs isn't. Don't you see?
Ill let you in on a couple little secrets...
ReplyDelete1) i strongly dislike scientists.and science too.
2)comminsence isnt a big deal to me. and i have commin sence and i cant prove the bible wrong...and i have tried!
and 3)it may be that they all beleave that it is there God who makes all this happen but if you are willing to say it may be there God why cant you say it may be MY God?
Who is this?
ReplyDeleteIt's spelled COMMON SENSE.
Science flies you to the moon, religion flies you into buildings.
Without science you wouldn't have medicine or technology or so many of the other things, if you hate science so much, why don't you go live in a cave and worship God? You only dislike them because they disprove your God. If they proved your God, you'd LOVE them.
I'm saying that your beliefs are no different than theirs. Both are false...
Who is this by the way?
haha you couldnt tell it was me by the mispelled words? lol its Sammy J,
ReplyDeleteI think we are ready for a new topic, we lost the actual topic a long time ago! lol
I'll be honest with you, Sammy. I don't know how much longer I can really debate you guys if you're not going to use any rationality. If you want to deny science and the laws of physics then we can make ANY claim and say that it's true. Like the flying spaghetti monster. So I don't know how I can argue with people who make absurd claims, based on no evidence and want to argue that it's true. We have no parameters to argue from... if we don't use common sense, logic, science and reason, then we can really are just believing something because it "feels good" to believe it, it's just wish-thinking that isn't true. You said you don't like science or scientists, this is ONLY because they prove your God is a myth and not real. So how can we debate or talk about anything such as the existence of God, the claims of the bible, a woman's right to choose, gay marriage... if you get all of your rules from a book that you can't even defend logically. You quote me bible verses as if they are true, you believe in crazy ridiculous fantasies from the bible. It makes you a very disturbed and slavish person. So unless we can argue using some logic and science and reason, and you, charlie, and whoever else talks on here will stop denying things that are FACTS just because they are inconvenient to your God argument... then I don't see how we can continue to have conversations about religion, or issues related to it.
ReplyDeleteIm sorry chrismatic, but they dont prove anything to me. but you bring up a good point. you put up with us and listen to what we have to say when you are strongly ageinst it so therfor we should listento you when you want to add science into the mix. its fair. i apoligize.
ReplyDeleteplease stay?
If they don't prove anything to you than you are willfully ignorant of the facts then.
ReplyDeleteYou are trying to pretend that I'm the one who WANTS the things I say to be true, that i'm somehow afraid. I'm not the one who thinks he will go to hell if the facts that I accept are wrong. If you stop believing in God you think that you will go to hell, thats the only reason why you wont accept the facts. You keep denying it... but it's the truth. You know it deep down.
I guess you don't mind those parts in the bible where god orders his minions to kill off their enemies?
ReplyDeleteTell a rape victim they shouldn't get an abortion. Or was that part of god plan?