Friday, July 31, 2009

Hey Guys its Sammy J! this week end im spending it at my cousins house so I dont know if ill be able to be on the computer as much but hey beggers cant be chosers! any ways this week ends topic is : The death penalty
I think its wrong. but i wann hear from you! let me know!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Todays Topic :Abortion

Ok todays Topic is abortion. I wanna hear your thoughts. I personaly Think its wrong and not just cuz the bible says so, but tell me what your guys think.

Is Abortion Wrong?

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Here are a couple new rules i am adding and ALL OF YOU (including my administrators)are going to follow them!

NO ONE other then me has the authority to remove comments on this cite! if you think a certin comment was out of line you MUST contact me first and get my approval! although you are an administrator you did not creat this cite i did!

I Want no bashing no arguing no cursing and no fighting. My cite has a very special purpose! it is for not only the other religions to learn about ours but for us to try and listen to get a better understaning on theres! this is a TWO sided cite. i have even been asked to add an athiest on as an administrator and im thinking deeply about concidering it.. this is supose to be a sort a peace contract. i want not only the other religions to learn from us but for us to learn about them as well. understand administrators that this is a great opertunity for us to be able to polish our armer of God and become really great envangilists! thease people can teach us so much about evangilizing! we need to listen to them with open minds!

IT ENDS NOW!I will not have my cite trashed by arguments and fights. If you continue to keep this type of behavior up i will eithor bannish you from the cite or if you are an administrator i WILL change the password and not tell you. dont think that i wont. trust me i will! i hate to have to be this authoritive but i will step up to the plate iff need be.

for those of you who are new commers WELCOME TO THE CITE! ENJOY!! =)

With Love,
Sammy Jayne<3

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Laura Elizabeth Pflug R.I.P.

Hey Gang,
This is Sammy J talken to you. (you will have to xcuse my spelling and grammer today im not all that up to editing it) Today was a sad day for my family. as most of you know my family and i have been away on vacation in the outerbanks. the trip came to sudden halt when we had to come home early bc of the death of my great great aunt Laura. She was 104. Born on October 4 1905 she passed away on monday july 2oth surounded by family and friends. My aunt was a very well respected lady. she was practicly a legond at my church. the oldest member for sure. She loved the Lord so much even when she couldnt see she still tried to pick up the bible a read it...unfortinatly for her no matter how hard she tried she couldnt read it. aunt laura use to always say "whats God waiten for im ready to go!!" and we would tell her "aunt Laura you have to wait your turn in line!" and she would always respond with "Must be a dam long line im 104 for cryen out loud!!" lol thease are a few of my memories with her. she was such a spit fire some times but she loved the lord and loved us so so much. today we remembered her at the funeral.
Laura Elizabeth Pflug
oct 4rth 1905 - July 20th 2009 <3
P.S. Thank the lord she made it! she can finnaly party with moses!!!<3

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Reasoning behind the name

Hey Guys This is Sammy J, as you guys have seen the name me and my team membors go by is 1 Timothy 4:12. We wanted to chose a name that would fit all of us, somthing we all have in commin. The group of administrators i have grouped together are from all different places, around this area of the states. For those of you who don't know, atleast 6 of us are from Pennsylvania. Two of us are from Ohio and two from West Verginia. So the next Question is, if we are all from different states how do we know eachother? The answer is a simple one. We all go to camp together! There are 2 different camps hoasted by one church that invites other churches from all around the place every year. Supper Summer Break (otherwise known as S.S.B.) and Snow Camp. There are four main churchs that always attend. St. Johns Burrys Church, Fairview Reformed Church, Pilgram Pres. Church, and Cornerstone Pres. Church. thease are the churchs from which we all attend. When we started thinking of a name we were boggled. we needed a name that fit all of us, But the only thing we had in commin was the camps we go to and our religion. None of the names dealing with camp sounded right so we went to the bible to look up some verses. a very well known verse is 1 Timothy 4:12. it states: Dont let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believersin speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity. The verse was chose because it fit our discription well. our goal with this blog is to evangilize and spread the word. and you can help us do that! we appriciate your help! and thenks for listening guys! untill next time---Sammy J

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hey guys,

My name is Sammy Jayne I am 18 yrs old and follower of Christ. Me and a few of my Christian friends created this blog so we could evangelize and help you guys out in defending your faith. This blog is also opened to nonbelievers who wish to calmly debate with us or have any questions dealing with our faith. Along with me, their will be several other administrators who will be signing in under this name. When they sign in they will state their first name and begin the debate. After awhile I am sure all of you will become quite familiar with all the administrators. We hope you enjoy the blog!